From a gospel ministry to the Fire Service, Blake Stinnett has made his life’s focus service. While this path may seem nontraditional, Stinnett’s Father, who was a Volunteer firefighter, set the expectation and example of putting others first. Recognizing a need in the Brotherhood Stinnett created NextRung. NextRung is a peer support group that trains and facilitates peer support and crisis intervention as well as local networking of mental health resources. In Ep.44 we talk a little about being a firefighter in Georgia and a lot about being a good Brother and how NextRung supports this. We all need some support from time to time, so, share this episode. Share the links below. Share your time and concern with a brother or sister in need. It may be as simple as sitting in the uncomfortable silence and just being present. No grand solutions, no problem solving, just be present.
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IG: Blakestinnett_nextrung
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