
Warm up!

Main Set: "

L3: 4, 7min rounds. 1min/excercise:1min rest @ end of round
-Horizontal Muscle ups
-Air squats
-KB swings
-Sprawl then sand bag clean
-Piston push ups
-Back bridges
-Pistol squats

L2: 3, 5min rounds. 1min/excercise:1min rest @ end of round
-Jumping pull ups
-Air squats
-KB swings
-Pistol squats
-Push ups

L1: 2 5min rounds. 1min/excercise:1min rest @ end of round
-Jumping pull ups
-Air squats
-KB swings
-Pistol squats
-Push ups

Core complex: 3 x 20: front levers, posterior glute raises, BW hamstring curls
3x40: flutter kicks, wipers, bent knee sit ups

"Nothing says I train hard like rope burn" - Ryan

Happy Training

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