3/20/08 Friday

Warm up!
5-10 min easy at beggining of run.

Main Set:

L3: 10k Tempo trail run - Push hard on the flats, crank the hills, and cruise the downs.
- 150 air squats

L2: 5k Tempo trail run - Push hard on the flats, crank the hills, and cruise the downs
- 75 air squats

L1: 2k Tempo flat road or track run - 75-80% of your max effort All cool down for 5-10 min at end of run, stretch it out!
-25 air squats

J. hit 2 cleans, 3 squat cleans, 2 push jerks then drug a body weight sled 40yrds reapeated for 10 rounds total. Animal!

Happy Training

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