Level 2 (L2): You have completed L1 or you may likely be ready for L2 when you can complete these bench marks: 5 pull ups, 15 sit ups, 10 push ups, run 3 miles or your choice of cardio 30-40 minutes. Spend 30-60 days in L2 before you move on to L3.
Level 3 (L3): You have completed the level 1&2 progressions or you may likely be ready for L3 if you can complete these bench marks: 10 pull ups, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, run 4 miles or your choice of cardio 40-50 minutes.
These are very loose guidelines as every individual is unique with strengths and weaknesses in differing areas. It is important that you challenge yourself, however, it is better to ease into a training program and build up, then to start off too heavy and too hard only to hurt and injure yourself.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments mailto:raynegray@hotmail.com
Happy Training

50k Training run in the Grand Canyon
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