OK, We're Back On Line

Hey folks,

It's time to get this truck roll'n'. First, let me apologizing for my hiatus. Over the last six months I eliminated all outside activities from my life in order to prepare for the PFD's Captain promotional process.  

Many of you know what I’m talking about, that life sucking, mind numbing, muscle atrophying process through which we drag ourselves in an attempt to demonstrate our superior skills, experience and leadership capacity.  Well, suffice it to say, I’m on the other side of that process, having gained 20 lbs, lost some hair and most definitely lost some physical fitness. 

Now, the last thing you want to hear from me is some sniveling about my poor conditioning.  So, check that crap, we’re back in the saddle and we’re rolling out! Go put your PT gear on and let's do some work!

Shoot me a message or whatever if you have any questions, comments or words of wit.

In Strength

Warm Up!
Then...Go for a Run or Hike
L3: 8 mile run
L2: 5 mile run

L1: 2.5 mile run 

My new lid is just a little bit shinier

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